Hitachi Construction Machinery MENA

Hitachi Construction Machinery MENA

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HMEC utilizing Solar Energy

In line with the vision of HCM group of having a safe and sustainable society, HMEC come up with the idea of utilizing a Solar System in the company. Said idea, which was initially came out in 2021 did not materialized then, as businesses are still recovering from the effect of the pandemic and also with some issues from the solar system provider. This time, a new lessor/provider came under Yellow Door Energy Equipment Leasing LLC, an expert and has more experience in building solar panel that leads to the revival of this project. After several meetings and discussions with the group, the Agreement for Solar Power Generation Equipment Leasing and Operation was finally signed. With the project timeline of 6 months from November 2022 to April 2023, the 1st solar energy started operating on May 16, 2023. We installed LED lighting in our office. The warehouse uses three electric forklifts. We will continue to work towards realizing our vision.