Registered to be a Part of “Fun to Share”—Participating in Japan’s New Climate Change Campaign
Hitachi Construction Machinery has become an active proponent of Japan’s new climate change campaign. “Challenge 25,” a government‒promoted campaign to combat global warming, got a makeover and changed its name to “Fun to Share” from 2014. Hitachi Construction Machinery registered itself as a corporate proponent of this campaign. We aim to actively participate in the Japanese government’s program to battle environmental issues and promote actions that will preserve the environment.
Hitachi Construction Machinery undergoes third-party reviews to ensure that it discloses reliable environmental information. The verification is being carried out through the following activities.
1. Participation in the “Fun to Share” campaign (New)
This campaign, which is being carried out by Japan’s Ministry of the Environment, aims at achieving a low‒carbon society. Hitachi Construction Machinery is declaring its goal to contribute to the creating of a low‒carbon society by providing eco‒friendly construction machinery and environmental solutions.
2. Participation in the “Lights‒down Campaign” (a part of Fun to Share)
The Ministry of the Environment is calling for lights to be turned out at “lit‒up” facilities and at businesses and homes.
3. Promotion of Cool‒biz and energy‒saving activities at plants and offices
This program promotes the wearing of casual apparel at the office during the months of May through October. Also, full‒fledged energy‒saving activities are being carried out, such as switching PCs and other electrical devices to energy‒saving mode, and to turn off the lights of vending machines.
4. Participation in the Kizukai‒Undou (wood products use campaign)
We are contributing to the proactive use of domestic wood materials, a program being promoted by the Forestry Agency, through the supply of forestry machinery products and carbon‒offset products used in forestation activities.