Warranty-backed, Used-machine Mascot TAMOTSU-KUN on Display at All Branch Sales Offices (Hitachi Construction Machinery Japan)
In March 2015, we distributed a mascot stuffed figure named TAMOTSU-KUN to all of our branch sales offices in Hitachi Construction Machinery Japan. Our goal is to improve the level of recognition of our warranty-backed, used-machine business among all employees and to make this business a permanent fixture. The stuffed figures are displayed on the reception desks. They also serve to promote this business to customers who visit our branches.
Owing to rising demand from customers for good quality used machines, Hitachi Construction Machinery Japan was the first in the industry to offer used machines backed by a warranty. The service was launched in March 2013. Construction machinery that is traded-in undergoes close inspection by HCM Japan. The checklist that is used consists of about 60 items, to ensure that maintenance is thoroughly carried out. The used machine is given a new coat of paint and resold as part of the TAMOTSU-KUN line of certified and limited warranty-backed used machine.
In general, used machines that are traded-in are resold “as is”. And regardless of whether the used machine is in good condition, normally it does not come with a warranty. However, it is our goal to make customers feel safe using our used machines. To this end, we began supplying warrant-backed used machines in accordance with precise certification standards as we saw the benefit for our customers. We have been commended by customers that viewed our warranty-backed used machines at trade fairs held at our sales offices. Customers feel confident in buying our used machines because of the warranty. They also applauded us for giving the used machines a fresh coat of paint, making them look the same as new models.