Improving Energy Productivity through Conservation
Hitachi Construction Machinery is promoting energy conservation activities. We have launched a power reduction project that aims to curb the use of electric power during peak periods and to reduce the amount of electricity we use.
Our goal is to reduce the energy consumption rate per unit by 30% by the end of FY2016 (compared with FY2010). We have implemented various measures thus far. This includes the reduction of standby power, the introduction of inverters, the switch to LED lighting, and the effective use of waste heat. We introduced EMilia*, an electric power monitoring system that was jointly developed with Hitachi Ltd. The system enables us to grasp and analyze electric power consumption by focusing on construction site needs. By using EMilia we are able to standardize use of energy saving functions at each of our facilities, and reduce standby power consumption through use in combination with manual cut-off management.
We also introduced an energy conservation awards program to boost motivation and encourage employees to consume less energy.
We project we will achieve our 30% improvement goal by the end of FY2016 owing to these measures. Our next step will be to implement these energy conservation measures at group companies.
*EMilia: Integrated management of energy data and facilities. This system enables users to improve energy conservation and operational efficiency, and to realize BCPs (Business Continuity Plans). The system automatically detects standby power and monitors standby power consumption in real time.