2H FY2016 Environment Policy Division Meeting
Hitachi Construction Machinery (HCM) held the 2H FY2016 Environment Policy Division Meeting at its head office on February 6, 2017. The General Manager of the Environment Policy Division, members of the Environment Policy Division, and representatives from group companies attended the meeting.
A number of topics were covered at the meeting. This included results of activities implemented through 3Q FY2016 and reports on estimates for completing the remainder of the fiscal year plan. Discuss also focused on the FY2017-2019 Medium-term Environmental Action Plan, which takes into account the company’s Medium-term Management Plan.
This action plan takes into account global trends and issues, including addressing the topic of creating shared value (CSV). The plan comprises a long-term vision and a roadmap of specific targets and measures leading to this vision. The Medium-term Environmental Action Plan was approved in its entirety by the division members and meeting participants.
The Hitachi Construction Machinery Group aims to actively push forward with initiatives that will improve the level of the group’s environmental activities as a whole.
Environmental Value Creation Initiatives of the Hitachi Construction Machinery Group