Participating in the Nijyu-maru Project to Protect Biodiversity (Tadakiko)
Tadakiko Co., Ltd. pledged the Nijyu-maru Declaration as its commitment to take action to protect biodiversity.
The Nijyu-maru Declaration entails the registration of activities undertaken to prevent the loss of biodiversity within the parameters of the Nijyu-maru Project. The project was devised by the International Union for Conservation of Nature Japan. It is being promoted to achieve the Aichi Targets, which were adopted at the tenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties (COP 10) to the Convention on Biological Diversity.
The No. 2 plant of Tadakiko is adjacent to Toyotomi Donguri-no-Mori, which is an acorn forest where wild birds and seasonal wild flowers and grasses can be seen. As a flagship activity for its social contributions, Tadakiko has been conducting Satoyama forest conversation activities since 2012 by participating in the annual forest conservation and development program carried out by NPO Toyotomi Donguri‒no‒Mori. Thanks to these activities, the forest is now bright beyond recognition and visitors can now see the wild birds, flowers and grasses.
To protect nature and the environment, Tadakiko plans to continue to contribute to preservation of the global environment by actively pushing forward with its Satoyama forest conservation activities, to nurture forests so they can be enjoyed.
<Contributing to the achievement of the Aichi Targets>
*The activities and declaration by Tadakiko are outlined in the Nijyu-maru Project leaflet published by the City of Okayama. The city has formulated its own biodiversity strategy. Tadakiko’s activities were included in the leaflet to promote the key projects in the city’s