1st Mebuki Manufacturing Industry Practical Skill Training Program—Co-sponsored by the Mebuki Financial Group
On August 29, 2017, the first Mebuki manufacturing industry practical skill training program was held at the Hitachi Construction Machinery’s Kasumigaura Institute. The program was co-sponsored by Joyo Industrial Research Institute, Ltd. of the Mebuki Financial Group Inc.
This seminar was previously called the Joyo Manufacturing Industry Business Practice Training Program, which had been held 11 times in the past up to 2016. The program is still being carried out. However, the name of the program was changed in conjunction with the launch of the Mebuki Financial Group. The goal of the program is to strengthen the corporate structure of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs). Hitachi Construction Machinery continues to co-sponsor the training program as a part of its activities to contribute to local communities.
The theme of this program was Implementation of 5S Activities at Manufacturing Sites. Twenty-six participants from 15 SME manufacturers in Ibaraki, Chiba, and Saitama Prefectures partook in the training. The 5S activities—the five basic precepts of sorting, setting in order, systematic cleaning, standardizing and sustaining—are employed to make improvements to the level of safety and quality. Managers from the Operations Management Consulting Department acted as trainers and lecturers. There were lectures on overall 5S activities after which the trainees were broken up into six teams to engage in assembly process drills using mock parts.
After the training was over, many of the trainees left with a positive impression. We received comments such as “I gained a good understanding of how these 5S activities will contribute to improving operational efficiency,” and “I realized the importance of all members participating in brainstorming.” The program provided an in-depth understanding of the 5S activities.
Going forward the HCM Group plans to continue promoting activities that contribute to local communities by using the experience and knowhow it has cultivated thus far.