Plant Opened to Employee Families (Hitachi Construction Machinery (China))
On May 15, 2018, Hitachi Construction Machinery (China) (HCMC) opened up its plant to visitors. This event has been held each year since 2014. This marks the fifth year of the event. Family members of employees are invited to tour the plant. The goal is for family members to understand the work and corporate culture of Hitachi Construction Machinery by giving them the opportunity to experience construction machinery and production sites, which they are unfamiliar with, first hand.
During the event, a total of 300 people, including 85 families of HCMC employees and the families of Hitachi Construction Machinery (Shanghai) and suppliers took part, making it the largest attendance to date. The event featured a number of fun-filled activities for everyone, including a plant tour, hydraulic excavator demonstration, opportunities to sit in a mini excavator, panels introducing HCMC’s corporate culture and environmental conservation initiatives, and an exhibition of photographs detailing the work of employees, among others.
In addition, the opportunity was used to invite representatives of university students receiving scholarships from the Hefei City Youth Foundation.
HCMC plans to continue to hold its open plant day in the future.