Participating in Movember (Bradken)
Bradken has been participating in the Movember initiative since 2017. The Movember Foundation is the leading charity dedicate to men’s physical and mental health. With the majority of Bradken’s workforce being male, Movember is closely aligned to our employee demographics.
The Movember campaign runs during November and aims to raise awareness of some of the biggest health issues faced by my men, including cancer specific to males and mental health concerns. All Bradken sites and employees are invited to participate in the Movember campaign. Individuals can participate as Mo-growers (growing moustaches) or Mo-vers (setting a physical challenge) and raise money through sponsorships. Sites are encouraged to hold events (morning tea, BBQ, colouring-in competition for children, guessing competition etc) to raise funds.
Globally we set a target of raising AUD$10,000. At the end of the month our total funds raised was more than $10,600!
Movember will become part of Bradken’s regular CSR calendar, with the hope an increasing number of global sites will take part in future events.