Sustainability Promotion Committee
On June 17, Hitachi Construction Machinery held the 1H FY2019 Sustainability Promotion Committee.
This is the first committee created since the former Environment Policy Division and the former CSR Promotion Department were integrated in April 2019 to form the “Sustainability Promotion Division”, an organization under the direct control of the company president.
The goal of this “sustainability promotion” committee is to develop long-term business strategies that seriously consider what can be done to promote sustainable advancement of the environment, society, and economy through the company’s business operations.
With the company president as the chairman and members that include executive officers, corporate auditors, general managers, and presidents of group companies, this committee conducted discussions and made agreements on subjects such as plans that we can contribute to SDGs and promotion of ESG activities.
As the organization steering the entire Hitachi Construction Machinery Group, we will further reinforce and expedite activities going towards sustainability.