Helping the elderly in the community by providing firewood for heating (Hitachi Construction Machinery Eurasia)
As part of its community support activities, Hitachi Construction Machinery Eurasia has been supporting the elderly living in non-gasified areas in Kalinin distirct in Russia.
In November and December 2019, 36 employee volunteers from Tver factory helped 5 elderly households in the district by providing them with firewood for heating their homes. In this non-gasified distrist, there are no alternative heating systems besides wood-burning stoves. Therefore, preparing for the winter is a hard work for the eldery in the district.
Hitachi Construction Machinery Eurasia started this activity, since the company was inspired by the vision of “Give Firewood”, a charity project to provide firewood for older people in the community.
Hitachi Construction Machinery Eurasia will continue voluntary activities to support their community.