Materiality (Crucial Issues)
In fiscal 2015, the Hitachi Construction Machinery Group identified “eight CSR priority themes” as our Materiality together with internal and external stakeholders. Due to the drastic change in the global society as well as the policies and regulations of each country, we started to review the materiality in FY2020.
The materiality reviewed in FY2021 emphasizes not only the perspectives of SDGs and ESG, but also issues that lead to the improvement and damage of the company’s corporate value. Regarding identifying the materiality themes, we had a lot of discussions while incorporating the opinions of internal and external stakeholders, including several dialogues with outside experts and were approved by the Executive Board and the Board of Directors in July 2021. We will continue to monitor the progress of our medium-term management plan and incorporate it into our business strategy process. At the same time, in terms of risk management, we will control both the risks we need to prepare for and the opportunities for further growth in line with our Materiality, and will manage the whole picture within the ERM Committee.
Regrouped Materiality Themes
Regrouped materiality themes are systematically arranged current eight materiality themes identified in FY2015 and reorganized into four themes.
*In fiscal 2018, the Hitachi Construction Machinery Group selected 10 priority goals on which to focus among the 17 goals of the SDGs. The SDGs most relevant to the newly identified materialities are listed here, but they will also contribute to achieving other goals.
The Hitachi Construction Machinery Group’s materiality is summarized into four themes by organizing the issues we need to address in terms of business relevance.
Eight Material Themes identified in FY2015
In FY2015, the HCM Group, along with outside experts and other external stakeholders, analyzed key CSR themes as a step toward achieving its goal for further growth. Taking into account recent trends in the global society at the time, we pinpointed 40 social issues, which we believed had a strong correlation with our business operations. We mapped out these issues and assessed them based using two parameters; their significance to HCM Group businesses and the expectations the public has of the HCM Group. From this we were able to define eight CSR initiative themes that factored in the opportunities and risks of each issue.