Our Environmental Value Creation
Our three policies aimed at creating environmental value
Aiming at “Product and technology development contributing to climate change mitigation and adaptation” and “Conversion to recycling-oriented business model” as our materialities, Hitachi Construction Machinery Group is engaged in the development and design of products that contribute to the environment as an initiative to reduce environmental impact in the two areas of “Manufacturing of Construction Machinery” and “Using of Construction Machinery”.
In the “Manufacturing of Construction Machinery,” we are promoting “environmentally conscious products” developed and designed with consideration for the environment such as energy saving and low carbon, and in the “Using of Construction Machinery,” we are providing “products contributing to the environment” enabling customers to use products while contributing to the environment.
Manufacturing of Construction Machinery
Work with our suppliers to realize a highly streamlined supply chain that lowers environmental impact.
Using of Construction Machinery
Collaborate with our customers to increase the efficiency of construction machinery and systems during use.
Challenge with and through Construction Machinery
Together with people around the world, face the challenge of creating environmentally conscious infrastructure in new fields and areas.
Three key themes to create environmental value
For a Decarbonized Society -Climate Change Mitigation/Adaptation-
We work to reduce emissions at the “use” stage, which accounts for more than 90% of greenhouse gas emissions throughout the product life cycle, along with reductions at our own “production” stage.
For a Resource Efficient Society -Saving and Recycling Resources-
We will contribute to building a society that uses water and other resources efficiently through initiatives such as parts recycling business that promotes reusing products and the installation of rainwater systems.
For a Harmonized Society with Nature -Preservation of Ecosystems-
At each stage of the value chain, we will evaluate the impact on the ecosystem and promote measures to minimize the burden.
Environmental Management
Hitachi Construction Machinery Group is applying an environmental management system and working toward improving its environmental performance across all group companies.
Environmental Data
We disclose environmental performance data such as greenhouse gas emissions (Scope 1, Scope 2 and Scope 3) and the verification of the effects of environmental activities to our stakeholders. We also endeavor to increase the reliability of information related to the environment by actively implementing third-party reviews.