Recycling Wood Scraps and Waste Plastic (Hitachi Sumitomo Heavy Industries Construction Crane)
Hitachi Sumitomo Heavy Industries Construction Crane Co., Ltd. (HSC) is carrying out the recycling of wood scraps and waste plastics.
At the Nagoya factory, HSC generates around 400t of wood scraps annually as a by-product of its parts procurement and manufacturing activities. HSC contributes to the recycling process of recycled paper by consigning the processing of these wood scraps to a vendor, which turns the wood scraps into chips, the raw materials from which recycled paper is made. In addition,HSC annually uses around 37t of paper, including recycled paper. It estimates that it can produce roughly 50t of recycled paper from 100t of wood chips. The paper that HSC uses is covered by the recycling of wood scraps from its operations and the recycling of used paper.
In addition, waste plastic emitted from the factory is converted into Refuse Paper & Plastic Fuel (RPF*) by a fuel refinery. This fuel is being used by paper manufacturers and other companies as an alternative to fossil fuels.
HSC is instilling awareness of recycling. In addition to teaching the importance of separating garbage, the company educates employees on the process and how recycling affects them. This is helping to enhance awareness among employees. HSC aims to contribute to the development of a recycling-oriented society by taking its waste recycling to the next level and turning waste into resources.
*RPF stands for Refuse Paper & Plastic Fuel. This is a high quality solid fuel made primarily from scrap paper, wood scraps, and waste plastics. These industrial waste materials are typically difficult to recycle.